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Covid-19 la nostra app è sempre attuale

  Con l'assidua collaborazione  Marco Mingione  e  Pierfrancesco Alaimo Di Loro  abbiamo creato uno strumento web interattivo che consen...

mercoledì 22 aprile 2020

Our Covid-19 App

With the intense and continuous collaboration of Marco Mingione and Pierfrancesco Alaimo Di Loro we created an interactive web-tool that allows the visualization and processing of data with the models that we developed in recent weeks. The app automatically updates the data every day and shows a series of descriptive and model-based analyzes, with the possibility for the user to customize some choices.

It is a work in progress and much has to be done (the English section is on its way), but yet we want to start sharing it and have your feedback.

Are you curious to know what is happening in a given region? 
Is it true that the situation is improving? Go to the link

select the indicator of your interest,  choose if you want to look at absolute values ​​or variations, and the region for which you want information. You will get a description of the epidemic, through different graphs that will allow you to get an idea of what is going on.

Are you not satisfied with just a description of the situation to date? Are you curious about what will happen tomorrow?

The "Model" tab allows you to view some estimates and forecasts, as well as the performance of each indicator.

This is the part that still needs substantial work on our part at the moment. It should be speeded up (very little is missing) and completed with some other processing. Always remember that there is uncertainty in the forecast! Soon we will show the prediction intervals to underline and quantify estimates properly.

Finally, in the "Intensive care forecast" tab, the forecasts for the use of intensive care, by region, are shown and it is possible to view the statistics on the goodness of the predictions for the previous days.

Everyone's suggestions and advice are welcome.

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