These days, we witness reasonably substantial growth in the number of cases of COVID-19 (and in the positive rate) throughout Italy. Some regions are definitely on alert (Campania); others are only on alert (Lazio, Sardinia, Liguria, for example).
However, this situation must be distinguished from what happened in March-April, when there was, as now, more than 3000 daily positives.
In the most dramatic days, the policy of tampons was very different. We only had tampons for the symptomatic, often severe, and we could not look for the asymptomatic. Today it is very different, practically everyone gets tampons, and we add, fortunately. We have gone from 30,000 tampons at the end of March to about 130,000 today. We have been monitoring the positivity rate for weeks now, which is the ratio between posts and the number of people tested. Today we are at 6.5%, definitely up. This allows us to understand how much COVID-19 is present in the population, always remembering that, fortunately, asymptomatics are about 90% of positive test cases. A large number of swabs, an effective screening policy allow us to protect the most fragile and prevent intensive care clogging's catastrophic effect.
How can we contribute, by doing our part, to avoid the spread without control of the epidemic? Here too, it is not complicated; there are a few very simple points:
1. Wearing masks and often washing our hands 2. Avoiding gatherings and keeping distance if there are many of us 3. Isolating those who are positive even if asymptomatic 4. Often airing the rooms where we spend time, from the office to the classroom, the workshop, the bedroom, etc.
In Italy, a great help can come from the use of the app #Immuni !
We wonder if it is indispensable to use the bugbear of a new lockdown, feeding uncertainties and fears in the population. The goal must be to raise awareness and inform people. Frightening them doesn't help them understand what needs to be done. The country is still doing well. Everyone (or almost everyone) is rowing on the same side. The health system is strengthening and providing quick and effective responses. So just be careful and follow the few rules, those of common sense, that we have given ourselves and, in part, have imposed on us. Then there is the economy, and yes, that is at least as scary as the epidemic. We cannot afford a new generalized closure; it is evident, we must be aware of it. And then just put the mask (correctly). The situation is serious, but it takes very little to remain open and competitive.
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