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  Con l'assidua collaborazione  Marco Mingione  e  Pierfrancesco Alaimo Di Loro  abbiamo creato uno strumento web interattivo che consen...

domenica 28 febbraio 2021

Scientists and stage

Scientists are creatives, a bit like artists. As artists, they live in very competitive environments, developing great determination during their working lives. And, again, like artists, many develop a hypertrophic ego. Scientific rigour takes a back seat; professional ethics is bent for the benefit of oneself and the headline in the newspaper. One becomes accomplices of low-grade journalism, calling "unequivocal evidence" something that is ONLY a correlation. Thundering, later on, against an equally pompous colleague, shouting "correlation is not causation" (in English, which is more like modern culture).

The scientist is human, subject to desires and passions, and, above all, to responsibilities. Particularly now, in a moment where the confusion is at its peak. A time in which the ego-maniacs, by shouting everything and the opposite of everything, have made science an opinion.

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